
A successfull implementation of magasin within an organization

In this section we will share some considerations that an organization may want to think about when implementing magasin.

When dealing with technology for development (ICT4D) system strengthening initiatives giving some thoughts on these considerations will help to a more successful deployment.

1 Considerations beyond technology

Implementing an end-to-end cloud-native data solution like magasin effectively requires not just setting up the technology, which is a mere enabler, but also implementing adjustments in people and processes. Without these it is harder to enhance the organization’s ability to make data-informed decisions.

  • Setting up a magasin team. What are the roles, skills and capabilities that are recommended to have within an organization to get the maximum from magasin.
  • Organizational processes. Whata organizational processes may need to be setup?
  • Data privacy guide. How you can use magasin to be data privacy oriented, for instance applying data minimization.

2 Depoying a magasin instance. Technical considerations