
1 Troubleshooting FAQ

Please check the questions below. If you cannot find the answer you looking for you can try asking on magasin’s community discussions forum.

1.1 How can I set the correct Kubernetes cluster in kubectl?

In case you run kubectl cluster-info and it is not pointing to the kubernetes cluster you want to use for magasin, you can use the following commands:

  1. Get the list of different contexts available

    kubectl config get-contexts

    Which may output something like:

    CURRENT   NAME                        CLUSTER                   AUTHINFO                                              NAMESPACE
              docker-desktop              docker-desktop            docker-desktop                                        default
    *         magasin                     docker-desktop            docker-desktop                                        default
              magasin-dev                 docker-desktop            docker-desktop                                        default
              minikube                    minikube                  minikube                                              default
  2. Use the correct cluster (i.e. context). Currently, the context magasin is selected, but to use magasin-dev you can run this command:

    kubectl config use-context magasin-dev

1.2 Superset error Init:ImagePullBackOff during installation on ARM64 (Apple M1, M2…) architectures

If you see this error Error during install

and then when you see the status of the pods:

kubectl get pods --namespace magasin-superset
NAME                               READY   STATUS                  RESTARTS   AGE
superset-68865d55bc-rvxq5          0/1     Init:ImagePullBackOff   0          68m
superset-init-db-c9vcr             0/1     Init:ImagePullBackOff   0          68m
superset-postgresql-0              1/1     Running                 0          68m
superset-redis-master-0            1/1     Running                 0          68m
superset-worker-6c65786947-vcwvx   0/1     Init:ImagePullBackOff   0          68m

Then, your operating system may be using an ARM64 architecture. There is an issue with superset that does not provide multi-architecture images. By default the x86 architecture (also known as amd64) is provided in the helm chart.

To fix this issue, create a file called superset.yaml and paste the following contents below

  repository: apache/superset 
  tag: dfc614bdc3c8daaf21eb8a0d1259901399af7dd8-lean310-linux-arm64-3.9-slim-bookworm
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

  repository: apache/superset
  # ARM64 (M1, M2...)
  tag: dfc614bdc3c8daaf21eb8a0d1259901399af7dd8-dockerize-linux-arm64-3.9-slim-bookworm
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

Then, manually install superset by running the command:

helm upgrade superset magasin/superset --namespace magasin-superset --create-namespace -f superset.yaml -i 

1.3 Explore issues within the installation

To check if all the helm charts were properly installed, run this command

helm list --all-namespaces                                          

It may output something like

NAME        NAMESPACE           REVISION    UPDATED                                 STATUS      CHART               APP VERSION       
dagster     magasin-dagster     1           2024-01-26 08:00:11.343903 +0300 EAT    deployed    dagster-1.6.0       1.6.0             
daskhub     magasin-daskhub     1           2024-01-26 07:56:59.908074 +0300 EAT    deployed    daskhub-2024.1.0    jh3.2.1-dg2023.9.0
drill       magasin-drill       1           2024-01-26 07:56:50.414646 +0300 EAT    deployed    drill-0.6.1         1.21.1-3.9.1      
operator    magasin-operator    1           2024-01-26 08:05:29.432176 +0300 EAT    deployed    operator-5.0.11     v5.0.11           
superset    magasin-superset    1           2024-01-26 08:52:53.146091 +0300 EAT    failed      superset-0.10.15    3.0.1             
tenant      magasin-tenant      1           2024-01-26 08:05:35.925144 +0300 EAT    deployed    tenant-5.0.11       v5.0.11     

In our case superset which was installed in magasin-superset namespace failed.

We can gather more information by getting the list of pods (containers) of superset’s namespace

kubectl get pods --namespace magasin-superset
NAME                               READY   STATUS                  RESTARTS   AGE
superset-68865d55bc-rvxq5          0/1     Init:ImagePullBackOff   0          68m
superset-init-db-c9vcr             0/1     Init:ImagePullBackOff   0          68m
superset-postgresql-0              1/1     Running                 0          68m
superset-redis-master-0            1/1     Running                 0          68m
superset-worker-6c65786947-vcwvx   0/1     Init:ImagePullBackOff   0          68m

Lastly, we can get details of one of the pods that did not successfully launch using:

kubectl describe pod superset-68865d55bc-rvxq5 --namespace magasin-superset
  Type    Reason   Age                    From     Message
  ----    ------   ----                   ----     -------
  Normal  BackOff  2m38s (x276 over 66m)  kubelet  Back-off pulling image "apache/superset:dockerize"

In this case it seems there is an error getting the image. One option is to try to delete the pod. Kubernetes will create a new one

kubectl delete pod superset-68865d55bc-rvxq5 --namespace magasin-superset

The new one will have a different name. So we need to run again kubectl get pods --namespace magasin-superset.

If this does not work, an alternative is to try to reinstall the helm chart manually. First uninstall the current chart as below:

helm uninstall superset --namespace magasin-superset
release "superset" uninstalled

Then install manually the magasin component. We will use the same command that was used by the installer (which you can see in the screenshot with the error)

helm install superset magasin/superset --namespace magasin-superset 

If this does not work, you may try to find similar issues within the magasin discussion forum and/or file an issue.

1.4 After installation a container is not in Complete or Running status.

After a few minutes the installation of all the containers (pods) in the magasin-* namespaces should be in Complete or Running status. If there is any issue these may have another status.

You can check the status by running

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Let’s see an example:

NAMESPACE          NAME                                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS        AGE
magasin-drill      drillbit-0                                                        0/1     Running     15 (102s ago)   102m
magasin-drill      drillbit-1                                                        0/1     Pending     0               102m
magasin-drill      zk-0                                                              1/1     Running     0               102m

In the case above we see that the drillbit-* are having issues. One is Running but had many restarts and the other is in Pending status. To inspect what’s going on you can run

kubectl describe pod drillbit-1 --namespace magasin-drill
Name:             drillbit-0
Namespace:        magasin-drill
Priority:         0
Service Account:  drill-sa
Node:             docker-desktop/
Start Time:       Fri, 12 Jan 2024 15:50:47 +0300
Labels:           app=drill-app
Annotations:      <none>
Status:           Running
Controlled By:  StatefulSet/drillbit


  Type     Reason     Age                  From     Message
  ----     ------     ----                 ----     -------
  Normal   Pulled     41m (x3 over 54m)    kubelet  (combined from similar events): Successfully pulled image "merlos/drill:1.21.1-deb" in 28.915s (28.915s including waiting)
  Warning  Unhealthy  26m (x135 over 99m)  kubelet  Readiness probe failed: Running
/opt/drill/ file is present but drillbit is not running.
[WARN] Only DRILLBIT_MAX_PROC_MEM is defined. Auto-configuring for Heap & Direct memory
[INFO] Attempting to start up Drill with the following settings
[WARN] Total Memory Allocation for Drillbit (4GB) exceeds available free memory (1GB)
[WARN] Drillbit will start up, but can potentially crash due to oversubscribing of system memory.
  Warning  Unhealthy  70s (x131 over 99m)  kubelet  Liveness probe failed: Running
/opt/drill/ file is present but drillbit is not running.
[WARN] Only DRILLBIT_MAX_PROC_MEM is defined. Auto-configuring for Heap & Direct memory
[INFO] Attempting to start up Drill with the following settings
[WARN] Total Memory Allocation for Drillbit (4GB) exceeds available free memory (1GB)
[WARN] Drillbit will start up, but can potentially crash due to oversubscribing of system memory.

As we can see, there is an issue resulting from lack of sufficient memory. In this case we need to run the pod in a cluster with nodes having more RAM.